Friday, July 19, 2013

Developing Human Capital Management in SMEs

Small- medium-sized Enterprises (SMEs) have important strategic factors that must be present to gain and retain a competitive edge. The most important factor is specialized people with the skills to develop innovative solutions that provide competitive advantages and increase the organization’s survival rate.  SMEs account for 4.3% of the total land and generate 29.4% of employment (Rivas, Cano & Mendoza, 2010).  These figures represent not only high productivity and the backbone of national activity, being the main providers of large companies.

What is the commonality among these SMEs? The commonality is human capital. More specifically, organizational growth of SMEs, in large part is attributed to investing in human capital through utilization of HR analytics/metrics, training and development, performance management, etc. SMEs realize factors, i.e., training and development, recruitment and retention systems, performance management systems, progressive discipline systems are essential to achieving organizational growth.

Padilla and Juarez (2006) suggest human capital consists of primarily knowledge and skills acquired through formal and informal education in the education system and in the home. Human capital also is inclusive of training, experience and mobility of the labor force. Developing human capital is inclusive of all organization levels. Training and development all employees are essential to achieving organization growth. Managers must be knowledgeable and experienced in HR practices and procedures while managing employees and building human capital. Some tools that are essential to effectively growing human capital are:

*      Effective human resource management (HRM) policies and procedures
*      HR analytic/metrics
*      Effective job descriptions
*      Progressive discipline systems
*      Performance management systems

Are you utilizing these tools to increase your organization’s human capital? 

April D. Halliburton, President
All-4-HR & Business Solutions

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